AFSC         Career Field            Educational Requirements (M=Mandatory, D=Desired, and [ ]= items identified by AFSC manager but may not appear in AFOCD)

30C0       Support Commander

Security Forces

31PX       Security Forces

D - Sociology, Criminology, Police Admin, Criminal Justice, Liberal Arts, Foreign Language, Philosophy, Rhetoric

Civil Engineering

32EXA      Architectural

 M - Architectural Engineering or Architecture

32EXC     Civil Engineer

M - Civil Engineering

32EXE      Electrical

M - Electrical Engineering

32EXF     Mechanical

M - Mechanical Engineering 

32EXG    Engineer

M - Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Architectural Engineering, and Environmental Engineering (No Chemical, System, General, Industrial, Astronautical, Aerospace or Computer Engineer)

32EXJ     Environmental

M - Any undergraduate degree with academic specialization in Info or Com Sci; Software.  Minimum 18 hours of Information/Engr; Math, Scientific, Engineering, Bus Computer Systems, Computer Science disciplines with Computer Science  Engineering, Math, Scientific specialization, or Industrial or Engineering Courses Mgmt, Physical Sci, or Physics with 12 hours electives in Math and Computer Science is mandatory


33C0     Communications Commander

33SX     Communications and Information

M - Electrical Engineering


34MX     Services

D - Bus Admin, Management, Hospitality, Restaurant and Hotel Mgmt, Finance, Acct, Public Admin Mgmt, or Recreation & Fitness

Public Affairs

35BX     Band

M - [Auditions only]

D - Music, Music Ed, or related field

35PX    Public Affairs

D - Mass or public Comm, Journalism, Public Relations, Comm Arts, Advertising, Public Relations, Sociology, and Psychology

Force Support

38FX    Force Support

D - Bus Admin, Management, Sociology Psychology, Education, Public Admin, Engr, Engr Tech, Human Resource Mgmt, Industrial Mgmt Engr, Com Sci, Math, Ops Research, or Instructional Technology