Student Government Association Blazer Allocation

Applications are now open for Fall 2024 Blazer Allocations! Apply Here

What is Blazer Allocation?

Blazer Allocation is a resource available to empower individual students and student organizations to create events and attend conferences. The forms to apply and additional information can be found below.

Please Contact SGA at 229-333-5677 or email with any questions.

Applications are accepted Fall and Spring semesters continuously. Applicants should allow three to four weeks before when funds are needed.

Blazer Allocation Report as of February 15th, 2021



The Application Process:

Step 1: Application

● An allocation request is born when a student submits an application for themselves or their organization through BlazerLink.

Step 2: Scheduling a Meeting

● The Treasurer will reach out to the applicant informing them that their allocation will be heard for approval by the Blazer Allocation Committee (BAC). Applicants that cannot make it due to excusable circumstances can be provided with the opportunity to submit an Absentee Allocation Description which should contain all pertinent info concerning their allocation request.

● The Treasurer will also inform the applicant of any documents that will be needed for the meeting.

○ These documents could include: Blazer Allocation Request Application, Event/conference flyer, Pre‐Approval Food Purchase Request Form, Request for Authority to Travel Form, Proof of Presentation, etc.

Step 3: Holding of BAC Meeting

● On the day of the BAC meeting, applicant will sign-in and wait to be called in to present. Allocations are heard on a first come, first serve basis. The applicant should have a 2-5 minute visual/verbal presentation and be prepared to answer questions. After the conclusion of the presentation, the applicant will be dismissed and the committee will vote for approval.

Step 4: Post-Approval Contact

● If the allocation request is approved, the Treasurer will reach out to the applicant informing them of the request's approval and of the documents needed to finalize the allocation. These documents could include receipts, student 870's, etc.

Step 5: Final Steps

● Once the needed documentation is submitted, the Treasurer will contact the applicant and inform them that their allocation is being processed through accounts payable. Following this, the applicant's allocation should be processed within 2-3 weeks


The application form will be through presence.

Following the submission of the application the treasurer will contact you to organize a time and date for you to meet with the Blazer Allocation Committee, these meetings will be held in person unless the health and safety of any committee member or applicant is a concern. It is always requested that each applicant dress and present their allocation request in a “business casual” manner.

 Specific details regarding items we can approve- Organization Requests: 

  • Group Academic Travel/Conference 
    • Money for gas mileage, lodging, plane tickets, car rentals. 
  • Organization Event 
    • Advertisements and promotions that will be used for a one-time purpose. 
    • Cups, plates, napkins, and utensils. 
    • Rentals for any props, sound equipment, or location. 
    • Food, as long as the event is open to the whole University and have Pre-Approval Food Purchase Request Form completed. *If serving food all guests must be signed in using either their student number (870) or using their student ID through BlazerLink.*
  • Collaboration Event (2 or more Organizations) 
    • Two or more organizations collaborating on a program must submit separate fund requests with the same program name and list each other in the request. 
    • Advertisements and promotions that will be used for a one-time purpose. 
    • Cups, plates, napkins, and utensils. 
    • Rentals for any props, sound equipment, or location. 
    • Food, as long as the event is open to the whole University and have Pre-Approval Food Purchase Request Form completed. *If serving food all guests must be signed in using either their student number (870) or using their student ID through BlazerLink.*
Specific details regarding items we can approve- Individual Requests:
  • Conference 
    • Admission/registration fees, lodging, gas mileage, plane tickets. 
    • Printing, postage, and necessary supplies.  
  • Academic Travel 
    • Admission/registration fees, lodging, gas mileage, plane tickets. 
    • Printing, postage, and necessary supplies. 
  • Study Abroad 
    • Plane ticket 

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the approval process take? 

  • Although there is not a set timeline for approvals, you can generally receive approval for funding in about two weeks. Following the approval of the allocation, it can take about two to three weeks to receive the payment of your allocation. 

How do students get the money they are approved for?

  • The Blazer Allocation Process is generally a reimbursement process. This means that while you have to pay for all of the up front costs, we will pay you back for approved expenses (given proper proof of expenditures). However, in limited circumstances, we can provide a portion of your agreed amount up front for any initial purchases that you might not be able to afford.

How much money can I get to fund my event?

  • Individual students can apply for $150 per event or $300 if you are presenting on behalf of the University. Student Organizations can apply for up to $500 for an event or $1000 total if the event collaborates with another Student Organization.*These amounts reach a cap of how much can be received per semester.


Max Allocation Amounts

Conference  Organization
Not Presenting  Presenting  Per Semester
Up To $150 $300 $500